Arctic research in my life

- is much funnier wearing orange vinyl trousers

August 9, 2013

Zackenberg 2013

I'm back in copenhagen after 3 weeks of fieldwork in Zackenberg. And I brought 229 tubes to Zackenberg, and Sarah left one, so it turned out fine. Wow, Zackenberg research station is amazing. I feel a bit sad that I won't go there next year. The work went well, both BVOC sampling and CO2 flux measurements, thanks to Lars Holst Hansen. We had very nice weather almost every day of my stay. However, everything was very dry and I think that some plants do suffer... The everyday life on the station is also very good, with no internet or mobile phone people do get a bit more social and the people that were there were very nice and I'll miss many of them! well, I'll just upload some pictures that tells more than what I'm able to write. So, enjoy! 
Muskox crossing the river

pillow fight a late night

Wolf tracks, but no wolf.. :(

I slept some few hours in a tent during my the two 24 h measurement events

Lars helping me installing trip wire around the tent, thanks!

And yes, the sun disappeared behind the mountains

Cold and foggy during the night

everything for science?!

24 h measurments on the new ITEX site

...and dark

...and dry!

On top of Zackenberg mountain with the not-afraid-of-heights dog, Sylvester

Sirius man with his dogs a late evening

I slept one night in the small hut "pashuset"

A visitor

CO2 measurements

Setting up new shelters. 
Three weeks in Zackenberg feels like a very long time, but at the same time as if time goes on very fast. Sometimes it feels like a small society were everyone finds there role and contribute in there own way to an amazing atmosphere. Thanks to all for a pleasant time in North East Greenland. Cheers!


  1. Hej och välkommen hem till människobyn Frida ;o)
    Snygg blog och massor av fina bilder + bra inlägg.

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    Christer och Britta

  2. LÄNK
