Arctic research in my life

- is much funnier wearing orange vinyl trousers

December 21, 2011


yey.. had my presentation today. feels really good to have finished.. just a few things to change..

December 16, 2011


Almost finished my thesis.. Have my oral presentation on wednesday.. huuu... I prefer  writing in english rather than speak english.. but, what a heck; english is not mother tongue for any in the audience!
I think that I'll write an article about the same study next semester.. And hopefully publish.. But, before that: Christmas holliday! =)
If there is any snow, i'll go skiing. But first celebrate christmas with familly in stockholm.

November 29, 2011


I fell down in a black hole for four days. But it's not that bad. It is just a black hole for the studying part of me.. I sent my thesis to my supervisor this friday. just to get feedback on the report. On friday night I went to visit a friend in Lund.. of course I didn't sutdy. Came home on sunday evning. On monday I couldn't motivate myself to start study.. I really didn't want to.. I got feedback from Robert on the report. Not so bad, just a few changes so far. It feels like I have a good chance to finish before christmas. Well, today, Tuesday, I actually started reading some articles about nutrient- and carbon pools in soil and the effect of herbivores on these pools.

One big conclusion: the more articles you read, the easier it gets!
another: I can't (instinctively) see the difference between the words big and large, and how to use them (Relized that when i got my report back from Robert.. oups!!)
on more conclusion: Clara Luzia is really good. check out her music!

I think i'm back on track tomorrow!

November 22, 2011

a weekend of horse back- and bike riding

Friday: I was riding horse back with Hilma. Fantastic.. My horse did not allways do as I wanted (but most of the time everything went good). Unfortunately I didn't take any photos when sitting on the horse (cause I was trying not to fall of).

Saturday: Starting with a long bicycle tour. Really nice. About 2 h biking in the forest together with Lars. =)

On the afternoon we desided to reshuffling the appartment. The bike room changed with the living room. The result is good, i'm happy we came to that conclusion!

November 13, 2011


My bike frame has a big crack! what if it breaks when I ride it, huu that would hurt alot!
Well, looking for a new frame, celeste blue maybe ;) 
If someone have one, let me know!  (about 200-300 US dollar is what I have in mind.. or less if that is possible)


didn't buy anything new, but I really want to... found a pair of ankle boots that i'm really inlove with! And they are on discount! but i've never bought shoes on internet... scary when you can't try them on... it's really hard to now what size to order when one always vary between two sizes.. well.. I guess Lars would be really mad at me if I boght them, so maybe i shouldn't... =/  

But they are really nice, aren't they?

November 11, 2011

Finaly i'm doing my thesis

This week I started my bachelor thesis. To summarize it's about the effect of grazing on plants. Do the biomass allocation differ if plants are protected from grazing or not. I started this summer in Ritsem (norhten part of the swedish mountain chain) by collecting plants and now am i analyzing them to see if there is a diference between them or not. Simple research, but fun! The laboratory work went out fine and Robert (my supervisor) came up with the idea to see if the Nitrogen and carbon isotope kit is the same in the protected and unprotected plants. This resulted in more lab-work, which i'm more then happy to do! The roots and leaves are grinded and then sent to a guy (Alf) in Örebro for further analysis. Good for me to have more data and more topics to link together.

 Vaccinium viti-idaea (Lingon)
 above/below ground parts- to get the biomass

Bistorta vivpara (ormrot) 

The leaves and fine roots that was grinded for the isotope analysis 

the powder of leaves or roots...

nothing more about this at the moment! have a nice weekend! cheers

November 8, 2011

my babies

 Since I don't have any kids I exaggerate my feelings for my plants. =)

Cotton plant and...

...pepper getting bigger and bigger! 

Bachelor thesis

Started my bachelor thesis yesterday. Will tell you more about it later on. have some pictures etc.
But not now.. =)

Aarhus, denmark

We went to denmark this weekend. To visit Anna and Per-Inge. Really nice time, a very cozy town!
Lots of nice food (thanks both of you, Anna and Perra!)

 A few hours spent on climbing. Really nice gym, mostly rope climbing. fantastic!

Good times! =)

October 27, 2011

Not just seeds any more

Planted seeds from cotton plamt two weeks ago...

 Very happy! =)

October 24, 2011

More then one bike..

.. indeed, there is more then one bike at home right now.. unfortunately more than 50% of them is mine.
Lucky us, we have a bike room! =D

Lucky us, they are beautiful

Lucky us, they have different features

Last mushrooms this year

Were out in the forest whole day yesturday picking mushrooms. Me, Lars and Hilma. A fantastic day, nice weather and lots of mushrooms. It is so very nice to live next to the forest, like a green oasis (more or less in the middle of the city).

Well, we found mushrooms, but also other beautiful stuff to look at.   

We found a really cute moss-ball. 
The picture to the right is from the lunch break. (Lunch is always the best part when out in the forest, especially the coffee.) The best lunch place ever!   

It seems like mother nature trying to hold tight to the summer. 
Some flowers are really struggling to keep on! =)

Thanks Lars and Hilma for a really nice day! A perfect day for spending time outside! =D

October 23, 2011

Wrong season, but I don't care!

Planted chili two weeks ago.. Really nice to see them grow!

From one day to the next, can you see the difference?

Again, from one day to the next, any difference?

 This is the paprika I planted from seeds I got from my mother some weeks ago!

October 22, 2011

Project, illness and everything else

Had the exam last wednesday. I'm sure that i passed, if not I'll start cry I promise! Well from tursday last week we started a project. three days in field, three days in lab and one and a half week analysing data and write a report. It's really fun and I really love this way of working! =)
My project is about photosynthesis, and how the efficiency of potosynthesis vary within a canopy, and how the efficiency changes with different CO2 concentrations. Relly interesting and if you wonder something just ask, I'm an expert*.. ;) *joking! well, the time in the feild was really great! first day was a bit cold (-4°C in the morning) but the rest of the time was warmer, but wetter! =/
It's good to learn how the instruments works, and to do everything by your self is really motivating!

 Cold morning!

 A LiCor 6400 were used for measuring photosynthesis

The needels we used for the measurments

The chamber were the needels were placed. In the chamber external factor, such as water and CO2, can be controlled 

Unfortunatley i've been ill all week. fever and sour throat, really a pity! well I hope i'm better befor monday.

Today I've built a bike that I can use this winter. It's a single speed with studded tires. It was a boring and ugly bike with gear.. much better now! =)

Last time has been nice. not very stressful and me and lars have spend a lot of time together. Really good! =) Last weekend we were picking mushrooms, found a lot! the best part is the picninc (coffee)!

October 3, 2011

good times!

Went to stockholm for the weekend to visit my family
A very empty train allowed me to study on the four hour trip.

Very nice to see everybody again! Especially Oscar! =)

 Me and my dad went out to his cabin. very nice place. The small house on the picture below is the new  bathroom, sauna och toilet house. very good job daddy! =)

 Went out picking mushrooms. Found alot! 

I love the fruit trees in there garden.. love the place and the forest!

very nice autumn!