Arctic research in my life

- is much funnier wearing orange vinyl trousers

November 29, 2011


I fell down in a black hole for four days. But it's not that bad. It is just a black hole for the studying part of me.. I sent my thesis to my supervisor this friday. just to get feedback on the report. On friday night I went to visit a friend in Lund.. of course I didn't sutdy. Came home on sunday evning. On monday I couldn't motivate myself to start study.. I really didn't want to.. I got feedback from Robert on the report. Not so bad, just a few changes so far. It feels like I have a good chance to finish before christmas. Well, today, Tuesday, I actually started reading some articles about nutrient- and carbon pools in soil and the effect of herbivores on these pools.

One big conclusion: the more articles you read, the easier it gets!
another: I can't (instinctively) see the difference between the words big and large, and how to use them (Relized that when i got my report back from Robert.. oups!!)
on more conclusion: Clara Luzia is really good. check out her music!

I think i'm back on track tomorrow!

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