Arctic research in my life

- is much funnier wearing orange vinyl trousers

June 28, 2013

Michelle arrived

Yeay, Michelle arrived! We started with 2 blocks at the snowfence the same day as she came. It was really nice weather, and so good to have company... The day after we finished with the rest 4 blocks. Meanwhile Michele marked all her individual plants, and I measured soil temperature. Yesterday we started with BVOC measurements on individual plants, but after the first blok we decided not to continue due to the low temperature and the clouds that surrounded us... So insted we had lunch at the station, and when it became a bit better weather we did Christians VOX measurements at the Eddy site (or Michelle did, and I instructed...) 

Michelle in field, at the snowfence
Nynne eating some biscuits on the way to one of the blocks

Marking individual plants.

The clouds joined us

I instruct Michelle in VOX measurements.

And Michelle is doing the work...

June 24, 2013

Mosquito Bite

Yes, my forehead is tempting... I hope my blood tasted really good so it wasn't a waste... 

June 23, 2013


Michelle will be here on tuesday with some more tubes, and I cannot do any measurements before that. instead I do some computer work and some hiking.. quite nice actually!
thats where I'm going...

Hot spring

Cassiope tetragona flowers

The icecap

Nynne at the snowfence experiments... 

Plants, flow rate and dancing

Diapensia lapponica

I had a problem with one of the instruments. But Christian and I fixed the leak, and now it works again. I'm happy with this flow.. =)
21/6 Greenlandic national day. Dancing, singing, music and performing in the gymnasium 
Papaver radicatum

The cusion plant Silene acualis

June 22, 2013

I don't know about yours, but my jog this morning was really nice

Thank you icebug!
I did not expect to meet an elephant in the arctic... #Climatechange

June 21, 2013

Moving a 150 kg box

Riikka left and was replaced by Thomas Holst from the university of Lund. He is responsible for the Eddy flux tower that will measure BVOC continuously. Yesterday he started to build a small hut for his PTR-MS. However, the PTR-MS were in a container, and we had to get it out in the field (a few hundred meters and 150 kg). Luckily a car could do some of the work, but in the end we actually had to move it by our self. 5 people and a trailer made it quite alright and Thomas now has his instrument established... It was kind of a project thought...

We have now also installed the last block out in the field, so Thomas can reach it from his hut. I think we chose a good spot, it was kind of a problem though, because the dwarf birch, Betula nana, had really long roots so we are a bit worried that we killed some of them...

Christian and I fixed one BVOC instrument yesterday, we found a leak and tried to stop it, and I think we succeeded.

The mosquitoes are slowly waking up now, it will be a mess in a few days I believe.

Over and out...

June 19, 2013

24 h measurements DONE!

After some hours out there the sun disappeared and temperature drop to close to 0... I did stay warm though, thanks to klættermusen! It was very beautiful yesterday evening, the sun was low and the sky was blue. Everything vent well and I am very glad now when it is over. Looking forward to a good night sleep!

Summer is comming

Rhododendron lapponicum

24 h measurement

I'm right now doing my 24 h measurement. I have done 2 out of 8 measurements. I started at 18, and will finish about 16.30 tomorrow. I bet that I will be a bit tired. I'll write more about it after to night. Now am I going out to the field, and I will not see the midnight sun because it hides behind a mountain....

I fucking love science!

June 18, 2013

Bad weather

I had a plan. But it didn't work out. I wanted to start my 24 h measurement this morning. but when I woke up everything was just cold, grey and foggy, again we are standing inside a cloud. So, it is not a very good time to start my high priority project. And the weather forecast looked really promising, and on Thursday I think it will start rain until the time when Michelle arrives. By then I really must be done with that long measurement... I hope it will be better this afternoon...

CO2, BVOC and VOX measurements

Busy day... Started with some VOX measurements for Christian, so that he and I were sure that I know how to do it. Than Riikka and I went out to the snowfence to measure BVOC on the last two blocks and also start up some CO2 measurements for Nynne. Really nice day again. Still no mosquitoes, but I have a feeling that they will come very soon. Katrine was also at the snowfence site, first struggling with a generator, but then finally she could continue her CO2, CH4 and N2O measurements.
VOX measurement
Our backpacks, very big and a bit heavy!
Katrine with the famous silver box. 

June 17, 2013

Arctic summer

Very nice day. 15 C and a little bit of wind. Just a perfect arctic summer day, and without mosquitoes.

Dark measurements 
Almost all snow on the site is melted

Cold and 95% RH

We were standing inside a cloud for a few hourse measuring, probably, nothing.. So after one block we gave up and went home for some coffe instead (to do something more meaningful!)

I had almost all my clothes (that I took with me to Greenland) on and it was still a bit cold.

I'm so glad Riikka is here helping me!

No words needed