Arctic research in my life

- is much funnier wearing orange vinyl trousers

May 4, 2011

Changing to PLAN B

Wow, lots of things have change this week. As I wrote in my last post, it has been discussions about where to register for the project. I have spend lot of time trying to find a solution, but I didn't. I decided some days ago not to parcipitate any more. I send an email to the woman responseble for the project that I won't participate.
Maybe this sounds as it was a hastily decision, but of course I have a plan B.

The new plan is to do a project with a group of scientist from gothenburg. They are studying the effect of herbivours on vegetation in swedish mountains. It's not really clear what effect a different population of herbivours (a warmer climate may cause a growth in the population size, or a change in speices) will have on the vegetation in the actic area.

This study will be done in northen sweden, which is more of a sub arctic area. We will identify speices and quantify the biomass on different sites. On every site we will see how the biomass differ between an area without herbivours (protected with fencing) and one exposed area, where herbivours are grazing (without fencing). It has been investigated before and we know that it will be a inequality, but we don't really know how big the difference will be between the places.

So, I won't go to Svalbard this autum, hopefully another time. The good thing about this decision is that i'll from an early stage get better contact with the scientist in Gothenburg, where I'm planning to work later on... An other good thing is that this gruop of scientist (in gothenburg) are colecting data in Sibira and on Greenland, which is not too bad! =)

Today I'll have a new "first" meeting with Robert and Leif (two guys i've mentioned before). I'll write about that, maybe tomorrow!

And please do not feel sorry that i'm not going to Svalbard, It feels really good not to go there right now, it was way to much problems and I felt a bit utilized! This Plan B feels much better and I can now work with people that I like and who does not take me for granted!

well more to come!

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