Arctic research in my life

- is much funnier wearing orange vinyl trousers

April 4, 2011

I have no idea whats going on!

To be honest, I don't know where, in the going-to-svalbard-process, I am at the moment. Some troubles are coming up now and then, often we have found solutions, thanks to Robert!
 One problem, about registration, still exist.  I have 11 days to find out where I should register for next semster. I want to register in Gothenburg because I want to have my exam from here. But the research group I'm working with wants me to register in Tromsö, because of funding issues. It's a dilemma!

I am also applying for the course "international polar field school" on svalbard this summer. It´s a 3 weeks course in june were most of the lectures are in the field. It's focusing on climate change in the polar region which I'm very interested in. 

"and students will accordingly get a general overview of topics including geology, glaciology, permafrost, oceanography, meteorology, biology, Polar social science and management/decision making in the Polar areas." (
for me this sounds really good and I hope I get on the course. In that case, I'll be on Svalbard for just a few weeks in juni-july...

Well I'll leave sweden in mid august going to Svalbard where I'm staying untill end october. I'll be better on updating this blog when there are more intresting things to write about!

for you who don't know where Svalbard is click here, It's a map from google. The "A" is pointing at Longyearbyen, where I'll stay and where the university is located.

I'll ofcourse bring my camera, the sun is still shining in August, so I'll take a lot of photos! 

Okej, nothing more to write right now. 

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