Arctic research in my life

- is much funnier wearing orange vinyl trousers

April 22, 2013

Kind of an update on everything

Hmm, what did I wrote last time, can't remember, it was such a long time ago. Sorry.

What I'm doing now is a lot of planning and preparing for fieldwork. Things has to be transported to Greenland quite soon, and me, myself and I have to be prepared for the coming tasks in the field. The biggest issue right now is how to get power enough for my instrument to run for 24 h. The internal batteries will last for about 8 h, and I'm now planning on buying some spare external batteries to bring. But, than I need to know how to connect them properly to the instrument and what I can do and not with those LI-ion batteries. It's also an issue with the transport of those batteries, because I'm not 100% sure you may transport LI-ion batteries on the air-plane, or actually what amount that is classified as "safe"...

Also, today I started a course "terrestrail ecosystems and global change", it ends in june and I think it is quite intensive.

I've also just finished measuring VOC on an mesocosm experiment.  I have not yet analysed the data, but will soon start with that. It has been really good to learn the method before my "real" project starts. There are some critical parts where things can go wrong, and it's nice to know about them beforehand. 

The life in denmark goes on, we are in the moment in a starting-up-a-new-life-stage, buying an apartment and trying to figure out how things will be in the future. The thing is that time runs so fast that this life, in denmark, is soon history, and that feels both nice and very stressful. 

I'm looking forward to summer, its going to be really nice to travel to Disko Island, where I've never been before, and yeah also Zackenberg wil be nice to revisit. I'm really looking forward to my last period in field, wich from late august to mid september, just imaging the shift from summer to winter, I LOVE IT! 

Well, it is also time to wake up from the winter sleep, because guys, it is spring! 

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