On our hike
Lars and I on a top
The four of us on Skierfe
The others went home to gothenburg again and I travelled on to Ritsem to meet up some other guys from the university. We stayed there for about ten days to do a biodiversity inventory. We hade a really good time up on a mountain with stunning views of Akkah (see picture below). One day it was hail and another day snow, but most of the time it was just cloudy and +5° C. In my project I'm looking at plants to see the how they allocate the biomass between the above ground tissue and the under ground tissue. Some plants were taken from inside a fence and some were found outside the fences. So I'm trying to see if they allocate the biomass differently if they have been exposed to grazing or not. It took me five hours to collect the plants, the rest of the time I was working with the inventory together with the others.
Every morning we went up on the mountain with a helicopter, just to save time. In the afternoon we were walking back to the house where we slept, it was a one and a half hours walk. One day we saw a lynx outside the window, really nice!
The lynx outside the house
The Akkah mountains
The hellicopter flight. Me and Mattias
Well I had a great time in the swedish mountains and hopefully I'll go there soon again! This semester I'll spend a lot of time in the lab on the university, to measure all the plants. I'll try to write more often!
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